Friday, January 28, 2011

You Know You're at College When. . .

You know you're at college when...
-Your mini fridge primarily contains ice cream, chocolate milk, and other junk goodies.
And you know you're at art college when...
-You begin to love shopping for art supplies more than clothes.

You know you're at college when...
-Your weekly chores and laundry get pushed to the next week... and the next.
And you know you're at art college when...
-You have a layer of  a c r y l i c  paint stained on top of your nail polish.

You know you're at college when...
-You appreciate your loud and obnoxious family ten times more than when you lived at home.
And you know you're at art college when...
-You .e.n.j.o.y. trips to the Home Depot.

You know you're at college when...
-Skype and Facebook become the primary way you communicate.
And you know you're at art college when...
-Boots, the messy bun, leggings, vintage backpacks, and nose rings become the most common look.

You know you're at college when...
-You have to play on a sucky keyboard because there's no way a piano would fit into your dorm.
And you know you're at art college when...
-It's normal to see people in the hall with charcoal all over their  f a c e .

You know you're at college when...
-You have doubts about where you are and  w h a t  you want to do with your life.
And you know you're at art college when...
-Not getting enough  s l e e p  becomes routine.


And it really hits you when you
m i s s  sleeping in the .s.a.m.e. bed
as your copy-cat little sister that 
rolled all over you in the night.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here's Your Sign

Just a few signs around Georgia that h a p p i l y catch my attention. . .

My dad used to bring me chocolate chips and marshmallows in bed;; The epitome of happiness.

Oh, jeez.

So true! If you're in the South, hit it uppp.
The Zaxby Club is the best.

What's  n o t  to agree with?

So is your mom.

A n d  my personal favorite. . .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Remember Back in the Day?

I was reading this article with my roommates, and it actually really  d e p r e s s e d  me. Maybe I'm being an old lady or just a generation pack rat, but it's a little sad to see all these changes in the world. Some are exciting, but some are scary and make me .w.i.s.h. I lived in a simpler, technology free, time.
I'm sorry, but I will not give up video stores, handwritten letters, books, cd's, or film cameras.

Word to the Wise

Quick thoughts:
*In your dorm room, your bed and desk are your main work spaces for EVERYTHING. Get a dark colored bed spread that won't show stains.
*Professors will often e-mail you the syllabus before class starts, but wait until the first day of class to get supplies and books. Sometimes the teacher will  c h a n g e  their minds or have .s.u.p.p.l.i.e.s.  for you to use.
*Invest in some Tide to Go; you just never know when you'll need it.
*Make friends with people off campus that have a   k i t c h e n . 'Nuff said.