Monday, February 21, 2011


Such a touchy subject.
I probably feared this  m o r e  than being alone on the East side of the country. My mom assured me I wouldn't gain any weight with how .l.i.t.t.l.e. I eat and all the walking I'd be doing.
The problem is, even though I was walking often, I began eating even more often. And there is a whole counter top full of desserts in the cafeteria... and I can go to the grocery store and buy all the snacks my parents wouldn't buy... and my meal card is good for buffet style meals when I normally wouldn't eat such a large meal at home.
Plus, I began pigging out at night. For no reason. Just because I could.
I didn't gain the freshman fifteen my first quarter, but I may have gained eight or so...
L u c k i l y  I've lost some of that.
I decided when I obsess over my weight and food, that I gain  m o r e  weight. If I just eat when I'm hungry and try to make a few .h.e.a.l.t.h.y. choices here and there, then my pants tend to fit okay.
Some people get so busy in college, that they FORGET to eat and then lose weight. Others are home sick so they take to eating. And then there's those of us who just love food and it's easily accessible on campus, so we just eat and  e a t .
Just try to be healthy and aware

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