Saturday, April 2, 2011

Children Only Beyond This Point!

What is a grown up?
I have legally been an adult for over a year now. But I don't feel like a "grown up".
As a child, grown ups and adults were all the same thing. Parents, old people, big people. But when do you really become an adult?
- Is it when you turn 18? 
-Is it when you move out of your parents home?
-Is it when you graduate high school or get a job or start college?
-Or is it when you begin to pay your own bills?
I still rely on my parents for so much. A friend asked me to go with him to Atlanta next weekend on the back of his motorcycle. I was .a.l.l.  .o.v.e.r. the idea, but when I asked my parents they of course said no.
I told them I am an adult if if I really wanted to, I could go. 
They said they knew that, but they also knew me and they knew I wouldn't disrespect them or myself.
They were  r i g h t .
So am I a child for asking permission from my parents and then .l.i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. to them?
I think it'd be more childish to disobey them. I might still be in my teens, but I'm not some rebellious teenager
So is becoming an adult a state of mind? Is it an actual day? I feel that one should know when they've reached that  s t a g e . So does that mean I'm still a kid because I don't know? I don't think I'm ready to be "old". I want to be young and .a.d.v.e.n.t.u.r.o.u.s. , to run and play stupid games and have fun. Can adults do that?
Maybe it's knowing when to act grown up. Like there's a time and a place to be a professional  adult  and a time to run free and act goofy, like a child
Be an adult but keep the heart of a child: pure and innocent and exciting.

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