Thursday, December 23, 2010

Movies with Insight

These are just a few of my favorite movies that I feel lack the credit they d e s e r v e .

I sit and watch this entire film just for this  b e a u t i f u l  final scene. One of the best on screen kisses and stunning background music.

Tuck Everlasting:
This is one of the most .a.m.a.z.i.n.g. love stories. It's honest and genuine. Everything isn't tied up in a perfect little bow at the end. Although the movie is mystical, the continuous  w a i t i n g and obstacles through love are very real.

Big Fish:
I named my car after this song and movie. It's such a unique way of viewing life's journeys. I love this summary of the movie. The ending always gives me  c h i l l s


  1. These are great recommendations, especially the first!
    I love Christina ricci in that role!

  2. James McAvoy is yum in Penelope. The movie was simply amazing :)
