Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So What Do You Do?

Those of you who are seniors in high school, and older, know that that most asked (and annoying, after a while,) question is: So what are you going to do? What's the plan for after graduation? What are you doing this fall? etc.
It's actually been nice to have the answer, "going to study f a s h i o n design at an art school in Georgia". When my original plan would have been more like, "living at home and going to community college". Not that there's anything wrong with that. My parents would appreciate me saving the money. And a lot of people find it weird that I'm going to an art school. Everyone assumes I'm at BYU in Utah or Idaho, because that is the norm in my culture. I guess I prefer to be one for surprising.
I've noticed this question hasn't gone away though, it merely adjusts to the .p.r.e.s.e.n.t. situation. It's changed from "What are you going to do?" in high school, to "What are you up to?" in college. And I've noticed even with my dad and adults, they all ask each other, "What do you do?" 
Although I've grown tired of being asked this question, it's hypocritical of me. I know I ask tons of other people my age this very thing; there's really no avoiding it when catching up or getting to know          s o m e o n e . Maybe facebook is a convenience so we can post all of our personal business and not have to ask one another and make small talk. Hey, why don't we all wear signs with a brief background history
Uhhh, y u c k .
I suppose this question isn't going anywhere, so it's time for me to get used to it.
Soooooo, what do YOU do?


  1. I just finished highschool and i still get that asked to me. I always freak out because im not even sure what i want to do when i am older. argh it is true, it is so annoying !

  2. Right!? And you feel so pressured to have an answer right away!

  3. I'm a sophomore in college studying fashion merchandising--I still get that question from every family member alive!
